How to Raise Chickens for Beginners

Are you considering raising chickens in your backyard? Whether you're seeking fresh eggs, natural pest control, or simply the joy of keeping these feathered friends, chicken-raising can be a rewarding and fulfilling experience. This comprehensive guide is designed to help beginners navigate the process of raising chickens with confidence. From choosing the right breed to providing proper housing and nutrition, we'll cover all the essential aspects to ensure a successful and enjoyable journey into chicken-keeping.

Brandon Hanson

5/27/20233 min read

black and white chicken on ground
black and white chicken on ground

Selecting the Right Breed

Choosing the right breed of chickens is crucial as it determines factors such as egg production, temperament, and adaptability to your local climate. Some popular breeds for beginners include Rhode Island Reds, Sussex, and Plymouth Rocks. Consider factors like egg color, size, and the breed's suitability for meat production if you have multiple objectives. Conduct thorough research and consult local farmers or breeders to determine the best fit for your needs.

Creating a Suitable Environment

Before bringing your chickens home, it's essential to create a safe and comfortable environment for them. Start by providing a spacious and secure coop that offers protection from predators and inclement weather. Aim for at least four square feet of indoor space per chicken and adequate outdoor space for them to roam. Install nesting boxes, perches, and appropriate bedding for their comfort.
Check Prices on Amazon:
Best Nest Box Reversible Rollout Chicken Nest Box
Pine Shavings for Chicken Bedding

Feeding and Watering

Proper nutrition is vital for the health and productivity of your chickens. Offer a balanced diet that includes a combination of commercial feed and kitchen scraps. High-quality chicken feed ensures they receive essential nutrients, while supplementing their diet with vegetables, grains, and fruits can add variety. Ensure a constant supply of clean, fresh water and consider using hanging or automated feeders for convenience. I strongly recommend a hanging automatic water that you can hook up to a five-gallon bucket or larger water source.
Check Price on Amazon: Hanging Tube Poultry Waterer - 6 Nipples

Health and Veterinary Care

Maintaining the health of your chickens is essential to prevent diseases and ensure their well-being. Regularly inspect your flock for signs of illness, and immediately address any concerns. Keep their living quarters clean and dry, as hygiene plays a significant role in preventing infections. Establish a relationship with a local veterinarian experienced in avian care to seek advice and guidance on vaccinations and common health issues. Anytime my chickens undergo a stressful situation, whether that be moving, being chased by a dog, or experiencing an attempted predator attack, I always give them 1/4 cup apple cider vinegar per gallon of water. This adds electrolytes and immune boosting probiotics to their diet. Make sure to get raw, unfiltered, unpasteurized ACV that says "with the mother" for optimal effectiveness.
Check Price on Amazon: Raw Apple Cider Vinegar, Unfiltered, Unpasteurized, With the Mother

Socialization and Enrichment

Chickens are social creatures and thrive in an enriching environment. Encourage socialization among your flock by providing sufficient space and engaging activities. Incorporate features like dust baths, perches, and toys to keep them mentally stimulated. Regular interaction and gentle handling will help them become familiar with you, fostering a bond of trust and ensuring they remain calm and easy to manage.
Check Price on Amazon: Chicken Toys for Hens

Egg Production and Care

If egg production is your primary goal, understanding the nuances of egg-laying is crucial. Most hens start laying eggs around six months of age. Ensure a suitable nesting area with soft bedding, and collect eggs daily to maintain cleanliness and prevent broodiness. Store eggs properly, and if you choose to hatch chicks, consider investing in an incubator or allowing a broody hen to handle the task.


Raising chickens can be an incredibly rewarding and educational experience for beginners. By selecting the right breed, creating a suitable environment, providing proper nutrition and veterinary care, and ensuring socialization and enrichment, you're setting the stage for a successful chicken-raising journey. Remember, it's important to do thorough research, consult experts, and be prepared for the commitment that comes with caring for these feathered companions. With patience, knowledge, and a little love, you'll enjoy the benefits of fresh eggs, natural pest control, and the joy of connecting with these delightful creatures in your own backyard. So, roll up your sleeves, get ready to embrace the wonderful world of chicken-keeping, and watch your flock flourish!